
As an extension of the exhibition, the Musée d’arts de Nantes has invited the artist Corentin Leber to design an installation in the Salle blanche reinterpreting the theme of landscape as seen from a train window which is developed in the exhibition.

In collaboration with the Mini Rail Nantais railway modellers’ club, he has designed a large model in which a train travels through the Loire landscape. The train then breaks free from the layout and meanders behind the horizon in an imaginary landscape comprising a dozen works from the Musée d’arts collections or loaned for the occasion by contemporary artists (Dorine Bernard, Julia Gault, Arthur Gusepon, Célia Nkala, and Bettina Samson).

A film, and a piece of sound art created by Caroline Delhom, reflect this imaginary experience of travel from inside the train, where proportions are reversed, and the observer may sometimes become the person being observed.

What happens when the train passes “behind the horizon”?

Corentin Leber

In his work with volumes and installations, Corentin Leber, who was born in 1998, seeks to offer an ambiguous interpretation of the idea of observation, incorporating an exploration of aspects of the landscape and also people-watching. His work allows him to address subjects close to his heart such as the ecological crisis, the accelerating pace of new technologies and a certain authoritarian rigidity creeping into society. These issues are bound up with his quest for a response to the pressure exerted by society to be successful and are expressed in his work as disaster, dysfunctionality and failure. His approach includes techniques associated with enthusiasts and leisure pursuits (sewing, 3D printing, modelling) rather than with success, which is often synonymous with productivity.

One aspect of his activity which he consciously cultivates is working closely with the public and groups; he demonstrates this in his various collaborations with non-specialist audiences (school children, voluntary sector organisations, enthusiasts, etc.) and with other artists.

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